About Us

Paul and Cindy Talley, The Traveling Talleys, have been bringing their faith-based ministry to churches from coast-to-coast for the past 18 years.   Their music is a combination of original tunes in the style of classic rock, cajun, country, and folk songs, mixed with your favorite hymns.   The Traveling Talleys are supported by love offerings from the groups to which they minister. If your church is looking for someone to lead them into a deeper relationship with Christ, Paul and Cindy would love to be a blessing to you.  

The Traveling Talleys' schedule takes them all over the continental US, so there may be a time when they are in your area.  The Traveling Talleys are open to the possibility of travel to other countries as well.  Let them help your congregation develop a more intimate relationship with Christ through song and worship. They will work with you to coordinate the best date and time to visit your church.

Talley Ministries

A Family Tradition

Since 1950

Paul Talley began traveling with his family at an early age and performed in 83 countries and all 50 states with his evangelist/musician parents, Joe and Marion Talley.  The “Talley Evangelistic Team” ministered in word and song not only in churches, on radio and TV around the world, but also with dignitaries such as Billy Graham and Jack Wyrtzen.   The senior Talleys, along with their children, Paul and Carolyn, recorded with Word Records and were the original “Traveling Talleys.” 

Paul grew up being schooled through correspondence courses and learned to play numerous instruments allowing him to perform all over the world. 

The Traveling Talley's in Korea

At 11 Paul was the youngest Word Records recording artist.

As a young adult entering college, however, Paul began to stray from the Christian foundation that had been the very essence of his upbringing.  He used his musical talents in country and rock bands, embarked on a daily life of drugs and alcohol, and was literally on a path to destruction when he was offered music contracts from both Warner Brothers and MCA records.  Such notoriety would surely make him what the world would call “successful,” but a godly mother had a different idea as to how her son should live his life, and every day for eighteen years she prayed that he would come to know the Lord. 

 In 1982 at Virginia Beach, Virginia, God asked Paul Talley to turn his life around and live for Him.  Much to the disappointment of Paul’s fellow band members, Paul gave his life totally and completely to the Lord and began a new life in Him.  

Eventually Paul became a minister and spent 16 years as a pastor to two churches before he and his wife, Cindy, felt God's call to return to the traveling ministry.

The Traveling Talleys started up again in 2006 and have been going strong for 18 years!  Paul and Cindy operate a faith-based ministry from love offerings taken at the churches they minister to.  Paul's shares his original songs and the best of your favorite hymns.

Paul and his wife Cindy’s desire to live for Christ by sharing their music and spreading the salvation message of the Cross of Jesus. This is the basis of the ministry they take from coast-to-coast every year as “The Traveling Talleys.”